10 jähriges Jubiläum der SHG Mainz
Die SHG Mainz (Sebst Hilfe Grupppe) feiert am 14. Dezember ihr 10-jähriges Bestehen! Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Hermann Götz! Gemeinsam mit dem Universitären Zentrum für Autoimmunität der Universitätsmedizin Mainz und der Rheumaliga RLP veranstaltet sie deshalb am 14. Dezember eine interessante Tagung in Mainz. Auf der Tagung wird die Vaskulitis aus drei verschiedenen Perspektiven betrachtet. Diagnose […]
How to improve health outcomes and care
THE VOICES STUDY New research from the University of Aberdeen has for the first time provided evidence of how best to deliver effective services that will improve health outcomes and experiences of care for the thousands of people across the UK living with rare conditions such as vasculitis. Care for people with vasculitis is organised […]
2nd European AAV Patient Summit Amersfoort
This event is the follow-up to the first patient summit that took place two years ago in Madrid. During that event, doctors and patients were brought together to discuss the typical challenges doctors and patients face when it comes to caring for patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV). One of the outcomes in Madrid was that […]
AIVA a New vasculitis organization in Italy
In July AIVA joined us at Vasculitis International. On Thursday july 26th 2024 this brand new vasculitis group was officially presented to the wider public, including the Italian parliament. AIVA(Associazione Italiana Vasculiti ANCA) focuses on ANCA-associated forms of vasculitis and they want to bridge the information gap, enhance information and increase awareness of AAV at […]
GSK Animation video about EGPA
GSK (Glaxo Simih Kline) developed an interesting small animation video about EGPA It can be viewed here.
Results ADVOCATE study in NEJM
On February 18th 2021 the results of an important clinical study were published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The trial was conducted from March 15, 2017, until November 1, 2019 (last trial visit). In a phase 3 randomized trial (ADVOCATE) the avacopan product was compared with a tapering schedule of prednisone […]